Shop thousands of skincare, beauty, health and wellness products online with your Spafinder gift card on livelovespa.com.
For the BEST shopping experience, you will want to convert your Spafinder Gift Card to a Shop Live Love Spa Gift Card
For the BEST shopping experience, you will want to convert your Spafinder Gift Card to a Shop Live Love Spa Gift Card
Shop Live Love Spa Gift Cards never expire and allow you to seamlessly spend your maximum gift card amount or more!
(Spafinder Multi-Use Cards will only authorize you to spend up to the card's set balance)
Select your gift card type to get started
Select your gift card type to get started

Multi-Use Card (or eGift Card)
A multi-use card has a 16 digit number, cvv2, and an expiration date which can be used just like a credit card at checkout.
Instantly Convert Now!(Recommended)

Single Use Card
A single-use card only has a number and possibly a PIN. *Shopping with a single-use card requires a conversion.
I have a single use cardFAQs
Using your Spafinder gift card is easy as long as you know what type of gift card you have (reference the two types above) and the value/balance of your gift card. You can check your balance here.
Note: If you convert your gift card to a livelovespa.com gift card, you will not be able to use it for treatment services or at Spafinder partner locations.
How do I use my Spafinder gift card on livelovespa.com?
Use your multi-use gift card just like a normal credit card at checkout as long as your total purchase price including tax and shipping does NOT exceed the value of your card.
For the best shopping experience, we suggest converting your gift card to a corresponding Live Love Spa Gift Card to spend the total card amount (or more)! To start your conversion click HERE.
For single use gift cards, you must convert your gift card into a livelovespa.com gift card to purchase products online. Request your conversion here.
Not sure what type of card you have? Reference the two card types below.
Why convert my gift card into a livelovespa.com gift card?
When using a Spafinder gift card on livelovespa.com, you must account that your total purchase price at checkout including tax and shipping can NOT exceed your card value. This can be a little cumbersome and you may not meet the full value of your card leaving you with a small or minimal balance on your gift card.
To maximize your shopping experience for purchasing products online is to convert your Spafinder gift card into a livelovespa.com gift card which allows you to use the FULL value of your gift card and even spend more than it's value with another credit card at checkout.
Why is my card being declined?
If you have checked your balance and the card gets declined at checkout, you most likely are spending over the Spafinder gift card's balance.
To spend over the gift card amount, the best way to maximize your shopping experience for purchasing products online is to convert your Spafinder gift card into a livelovespa.com gift card which allows you to use the FULL value of your gift card and even spend more than it's value with another credit card at checkout. To begin your conversion, see the card types with corresponding links above.
How long does it take to convert my gift card?
Multi-use gift card conversions are instant and self serve. Simply use your multi-use Spafinder gift card to purchase a corresponding value livelovespa.com gift card. Once purchased, your livelovespa.com gift card is sent to your email and you are ready to get the most out of your cards balance. Convert your multi-use card here.
For single-use gift cards, we require a manual conversion which can take up to 24 hours to process and receive your livelovespa.com gift card via email. Request your single use gift card conversion here.
Is converting my gift card required to shop on livelovespa.com?
Conversion is only required if you are using a single use gift card. Request your single use gift card conversion here.
Conversion is NOT required when using a multi-use gift card as long as your total purchase price at checkout including tax and shipping does not exceed your cards value/balance. To spend more than your cards balance, we recommend a converting your gift card into a livelovespa.com gift card.
What happens if have multiple gift cards?
You will need to convert ONE multi-use gift card at a time. Simply use your multi-use Spafinder gift card to purchase a corresponding value livelovespa.com gift card.Once checkout is completed, your livelovespa.com gift card is sent to your email. Please follow these steps to convert additional multi-use cards into livelovespa.com gift cards.
What if my gift card balance isn't listed as one of the options? (Ex. $40)
No problem! Simply send us a conversion request and we will manually convert it and send you a custom giftcard code within 24 hrs.
Click here to get started: Conversion Request
Time to Shop!
Browse products by gift card value

Browse products for cards up to $100 value.
Total purchase including tax and shipping must not exceed card value.

Browse products for cards up to $50 value.
Total purchase including tax and shipping must not exceed card value.

Browse products for cards up to $25 value.
Total purchase including tax and shipping must not exceed card value.
Top spa and wellness brands
For the BEST shopping experience, you will want to convert your Spafinder Gift Card to a Shop Live Love Spa Gift Card
For the BEST shopping experience, you will want to convert your Spafinder Gift Card to a Shop Live Love Spa Gift Card
Shop Live Love Spa Gift Cards never expire and allow you to seamlessly spend your maximum gift card amount or more!
(Spafinder Multi-Use Cards will only authorize you to spend up to the card's set balance)
Select your gift card type to get started
Select your gift card type to get started

Multi-Use Card (or eGift Card)
A multi-use card has a 16 digit number, cvv2, and an expiration date which can be used just like a credit card at checkout.
Instantly Convert Now!(Recommended)

Single Use Card
A single-use card only has a number and possibly a PIN. *Shopping with a single-use card requires a conversion.
I have a single use card